Raffia: Get creative with 100% plant fibres

The interior design trend of sustainability and natural materials continues this season. You can support this trend with our new raffia made from plant fibres. By combining raffia with rattan and faux leather paper you can create renewed interest in craft projects for the home in this season's most on-trend style. Take advantage of our postcards in your marketing and sales of the products in the category.

Markkinointimateriaalit myynnin lisäämiseksi

Markkinointimateriaalimme auttavat sinua luomaan katseenvangitsijoita ja inspiroimaan asiakkaitasi.

Use them to build an inspiring display of the ideas you want to sell and arrange the corresponding postcards next to it. Don't forget to hang up the poster, which should also help the products catch the customers' eyes. If a video has been produced for the idea or products, this is ideal to show next to the display.

Olen ostoksilla kuin
Jatka nimellä vieras
Etusi kirjautuessa

✔ Henkilökohtainen toivelistasi

✔ Näet tilaushistoriasi

✔ Helppo maksaminen
Etusi kirjautuessa

✔️ Erikoishintasi

✔️ Erityiset B2B-tuotteet

✔️ B2B-markkinointimaailma
Etusi kirjautuessa

✔ Sisältöä juuri sinulle

✔ Erikoishintasi
Copyright © Sinelli Oy | Väinö Tannerin tie 3 | 01510 Vantaa | 09-7513 3133 | [email protected]